Sunday, March 9, 2014

Are you a Bully?

I just watched this anti-bullying video. It is perfectly depicted. I think people who bully, often brush it off as being "funny" or "teasing." The reality of it is, it usually hurts someone. No one likes to be rejected, alone, made fun of or otherwise seemingly not accepted by their peers or others around them. The message is clear: Be kind to everyone.

If you have been a bully, stop it. Make amends and help others to change their bad behavior into kindness. The thrill of being kind is much better than bullying.

If you have been a victim of bullying, or are currently, know that you are loved by many, and above all by your Heavenly Father and your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is aware of your pains, sorrows and hurts and will comfort you and give you peace if you ask. 

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