Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Liebster Award Nomination

A fellow blogger friend of mine recently nominated me for a Liebster Award, which is basically an award given to bloggers, from bloggers. There are some stipulations, but it seems that they vary from blogger to blogger.

In short I need to:
  • List 11 random facts about myself
  • Answer 11 questions that the nominating blogger asked
  • Nominate somewhere between 3 and 11 bloggers who have no more than somewhere between 200-3000 followers (I found all sorts of variances).
  • Write an acceptance post (that's what I'm doing!) and link back to the blogger that nominated me... so, here it goes!
11 Random Facts: 
  1. I was very shy growing up, not so much now, but I do get really nervous in front of people sometimes.
  2. I can play the violin (I played from 3rd to 12th grade) and am taking piano lessons--as an adult, which is no easy feat!
  3. I did not get my driver's license until I was 19-years-old (long story).
  4. I once received 3rd place in the high jump in elementary school, and 5th place in hula hoop for field day.
  5. I played on my high school badminton team.
  6. I LOVE theater and singing and all of that. I'm not saying I am great at it, but I was in three musicals and worked behind the scenes on 8 shows in my high school career. And, I was also in a massive jr. high production as well.
  7. In 7th grade, I ran for student council treasurer. I got so nervous that I forgot my name during my speech. After that, I joined the speech team to gain more confidence. From there, I participated with the speech team in high school and continued for awhile in college. 
  8. I admire women who are successful, driven and have strong testimonies of the gospel. Not only do I admire them, I find that I make friends with them and learn everything I can from them. Is this weird? 
  9. I had my appendix taken out when I was 7. I was upset that I couldn't go to school because it was a Friday and that's when we had spelling tests--which I loved.
  10. I guess I've always loved writing, but didn't really realize it until recently--within the last 5 or 6 months.
  11. I really love the art of healing, whether nutritionally or spiritually. We all need both.
Markell's questions: 

1. What is your biggest fear in life? Failing as a mother, or having one of my children or my husband die.
2. What is your biggest goal? Besides returning to be with God with my family, I want to write several books.
3. Who has inspired you to be more awesome? Many teachers and extraordinary women. Also, my children and my husband.
4. Would you rather read a book or climb a mountain? Read a book. But, I wouldn't mind climbing a mountain.
5. What mountain would you climb? Or what book would you read? Too many to choose! I have a pinterest page for that!
6. What has been your biggest challenge blogging? Thinking of topics to blog about/being afraid to put my thoughts out there for everyone to see.
7. If you could tell the whole world one thing, what would it be? It will all work out, so trust in the Lord!!
8. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you have? Why? Not really a huge animal person, but I discovered I really don't mind cats.
9. Who is your favorite blogger? I'm new to this, so I can't say I have a fave yet.
10. What's your favorite joke? What do you call a sleeping male cow? A bull-dozer! (Okay, I don't know if that's my favorite, but it's the first one that came to mind.)
11. What would be your ideal date? Anywhere with my husband is ideal. :)

My 11 questions to bloggers:
  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What or who inspires you? 
  3. Do you have a favorite quote? If so, what is it?
  4. What is one thing you have never done, but would like to do?
  5. What helps you to overcome a bad day?
  6. What is your dream vacation?
  7. Do are some of your special talents or skills?
  8. What do you most desire from this life?
  9. What is your favorite food?
  10. What is your biggest goal for this year?
  11. Would you rather go to a theme park with your family or on a cruise?
And...for the nominees...some people that I really think you'll enjoy getting to know!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Prophets and Apostles

Two times a year, every 6 months, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds a conference where we are able to listen to our Prophet, Apostles, and other leaders of this worldwide church. Just as in ancient times recorded in the Bible, there is a Prophet today who speaks for God. This is a wonderful time where we can listen, learn, receive instruction and guidance, be inspired and receive answers to prayers.

I invite everyone to join and listen. I love this quote that I saw last night:

I think this is a great opportunity to personalize conference for yourself. Learn and grow and change your life. You can watch it live online or find it on your local channel on television.

Want to know more about General Conference? Find it here and here.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Not JUST a Mom

I was inspired today by a blog post I read today. . .which has led to a similar blog post of my own.

I recently read an article about a woman who had given up reading "mommy blogs" because she found she was comparing herself and her family to the authors of these blogs she would read. I totally "get" where she is coming from. Moms comparing themselves to other moms and then becoming discouraged because they are not the seemingly perfect moms that they are reading (half-truth) stories about. However, I think if we are looking for some help or information, other moms can assist us in finding the answer we're seeking.

4 of my kids playing together.
Have no fear! I am not that "perfect mom" you're afraid of reading about. I don't craft, I'm not super organized, my kids are not perfect little cherubs parading around nude wearing halos (though sometimes there is a streaking toddler who inevitably ends up peeing on the floor!), and really...I am just a mom, just like YOU. I have fears, hopes, dirty dishes sitting in my sink right now, worries, stress, happy times, crying moments, and times where I just want to pull out my hair and sell all my kids on e-bay and move to an island. I'm not the only one, right?

But we are NOT "just" moms (I know, I barely said "I am just a mom"...but, you know what I mean.).

In the aforementioned blog, she talks about basically realigning our perspective of our seemingly mundane tasks and realizing how important they are. For starters, let's just say that no mother is perfect, and that there are MANY great ways to do the same thing! We are all focused on the same goal though, I believe: Running our home in such a way that our children are happy, healthy, and loved and can then pass that on to their own kids one day (or something along those lines).

We are mothers, and that includes, but is not limited to such traits/jobs as:

Inspiring Young Minds
Creators of Love
Chef Extraordinaire
The Head Honcho of Operations
Household Financial Whiz
Fashion Designer
Diaper Diva (like, I'm so good at this, I think I can do it blindfolded--I've definitely done it half asleep!)
Dream Weaver (I've got you singing now)
Family Counselor
Driver to the Demanding and Adorable
Circus Juggler (for real--I think we can keep more balls in the air than any juggler dressed as a clown)
Stage Performer (who hasn't entertained screaming wee ones on a car trip?)
Professor of Family Relations
Teachers of Everything
Specialized Toxicity Expert (vomit, diapers, bathrooms and kitchens! Oh My!)

You get the idea, but just think about the things you do every day. They seem mundane, but what if they didn't happen? What we do as mothers, as caretakers for others is the most important work we could do. Our kids look up to us, and even when we don't think we're doing a good job, guess what? Our kids do. I know because my own kids have told me so in moments of self-doubt. And, it's okay if we don't do-it-all. In fact, it's probably better if we only do our best at what we can. We don't need to be June Cleaver or Donna Reed (yes, I used to watch all of these shows when I was a kid!) or Martha Stewart. Besides, they're not really perfect either.

At the St. George LDS Temple having a fun outing
If it makes you feel better, or more glamorous or fancy, then maybe slip on a superhero costume or a tiara or  a cape or whatever it is that helps you realize how what you do every day is truly amazing. So, go be your own kind of amazing! Don't try to copy someone else--just be you and LOVE what you're doing.

We were not put on this earth to fail, but to learn, grow and gain experiences. Being a mother, to me, is one of the most glorious experiences I can have. I wouldn't trade it for the world--and I try to not listen to the world when it tells me that I am not enough. My most important work is in the home--teaching, loving, nurturing, and providing for my family.

© Wendy 2013