This Sunday, a member of the stake presidency was talking about looking over his kids' report cards from school. And then he said, "Wouldn't it be nice if Heavenly Father gave us a report card each quarter?"
This caused me to reflect and wonder how such a report would look for me, especially since I always sought after earning straight 'A's while in school. Even though God loves me regardless of my "grades" and sees me through infinite and understanding eyes, I know he'd like me to improve my life.
Consider this: As parents, we love our children despite poor behaviors and mistakes they may make. We see their goodness as well, but we know they can do better. Parents have to correct their children and help them stay on the right path. We teach them to share, care for others, be considerate, and to pray and seek out answers while studying scriptures prayerfully. Our kids are not perfect, but we know they have potential to improve themselves.
I think it is the same with our Heavenly Parents. They love us and care for us more thoroughly than any earthly parent could, yet, they know we can do better. They want us to live up to our potential--even our divine potential. Sometimes, it would be nice to receive a spiritual pat on the back and know we are doing well. Other times, a gentle and loving correction would be welcomed.

is no other way. The Atonement is available to everyone--no matter who you are, where you live, what you've done or any other factor. Every person who ever has been, is, or ever will be on the earth is a child of God.
As we use His Atonement, we are to change our hearts and actions. A truly repentant and changed person will not make the same mistakes again, yet so many of us probably do. Just start again.
I know I'm trying to be a good person, mother, wife, and friend, but I also know I could always improve. God isn't going to give us a quarterly report card, but perhaps, as we prepare to take the sacrament on Sundays, we can evaluate ourselves and see where we have succeeded and where we need some improvement.
How did you treat your family members this week?
Did you pray often?
Did you study His words?
Did you serve others? Cheer up the sad? Lift the weary?
Did you exercise compassion and love?
Are you trying to see others through non-judging eyes?
We can all do a little better. Don't get discouraged. Just start again tomorrow.
Other news:
I was featured as a guest blogger by one of my writer friends. Check it out!
© Wendy 2015
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